Coastal meadows are found in flat coastal areas, where they are occasionally flooded. The flora on these landscapes is low in height and requires mowing or grazing to ensure its persistence. A total of 390 plants species have been found on coastal meadows, including several protected species, such as the wild orchids. The most valuable bird species of coastal meadows are the waders, especially the Baltic dunlin, ruff, and curlew, to name a few. The volunteers will help to remove junipers from an overgrown coastal meadows to improve the feeding and breeding opportunities of the Baltic dunlin and other waders.
Võilaid (2,5 km2) was formerly used for haymaking, and the foundations of old barns are still visible. A herd of horses roams the island from spring to autumn. Take care of Your personal belongings, as the horses are notoriously nosy. Due to their nosiness, the accommodation will be on the island of Muhumaa, which ranks 3rd amongst Estonian islands in terms of size. The picturesque village of Koguva, Üügu cliff, and the famous black bread of Muhu are some of the highlights of this island.
It is possible to elongate Your stay and start the same work earlier on the island of
Abruka on August 10-14. If You participate in both camps, use the 10% discount code "SARITALGUD".
Waiting list
How can I participate?
After clicking the "Register to camp" button, a yellow stripe will appear at the top of the page. It is possible to add several camps into the cart. Clicking on the yellow stripe will direct You to the cart where You can insert Your contact information and pay for the camp.
The registration sheet is only available in Estonian and here are the translations:
* Nimi = Name
* E-post = E-mail
* Vanus = Age
* Telefon = Phone number
* Asula, kust stardid talgutele = Location (city, town, or village)
* Olen talgutel varem osalenud = I have participated in ELF's camps before
* Eritoitumine = Special dietary requirements (allergies, gluten, lactose, vegetarian, vegan, etc)
* Muu info ja kommentaarid = Remarks and comments
* Nõustun üld- ja tagasimaksmise tingimustega = I agree with the terms and conditions
* Sooduskood / Rakenda = Discount code / Apply
* Edasi maksma = Proceed with payment
* Soorita tellimus = Make the purchase (Tasu arvega = Pay with a bill)
If the group is already full, You can add Your information to the waiting list and we will contact You if there is a vacancy.